Room 11 Blog Busters

Room 11 Blog Busters
Go Blog Busters!!!

Thursday 6 June 2013

WALT: Write a narrative about a storm


It was a darck and stormy night and Me and Cory and Matt were tuck in our bed nice and worm saddently BOOM'BANG'CRASH littnig and thunder as loud as 50 drums banging as loud as they can.



We looked out side a huge flude out side washed all our plants.A couple of minuts later a tonado smashing evry thing in its way we disided to cwikly pack our stuf and hide in a cave in till it was gone

By Jayden

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Jayden

    WOW talk about some writing that was amazing!!!
    I love that description in it.

    See you latter from Samantha
