Kiwi Kids News by William and Kahale from Hazel smith on Vimeo.
Room 11 Blog Busters
Go Blog Busters!!!
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Procedure writing- How to be a bus monitor
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Monday, 10 June 2013
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Here is a really good touch typing APP we are using
Try it yourself!
It helps us get faster at typing!
WALT write about anything we like
paparoa motocross relays
we are all lined up waiting for the man to let us go. OK paruabay 7 your time starts now
so off i go racing down the track there's a sine up a head by a river crossing slow down.
But i don't because every second counts so i race around the corner oh o i cant slow down
crash!!! in to the fence
By Cole
WALT Write about The netball game
On Saturday I had to go to my netball game witch is in kingsenton park, when we got there it was 9.00 clock we play at 10.00 clock. Me and my mum waited under the shelter then for a while I found my couch, her name is Kate, when all of my team got here we hoped in a line and walked to where we are going to play it is court 8, my couch Kate said "we are playing Kamo 2 now get out there and play" we got our bibs on as quick as we can then went to play whoooooo the whistle went we started to play
I was goal attack i ran to the semi circle and one of my team mate threw the ball to me and I turned around to shoot a goal I waited until 3 seconds and shot the ball into the hoop and scored a goal. When netball was finished Kate said "the player of the day is Summah " "yeah its finally me im the winner i get a trophie and a certificate that says you get a free mc Donald's when I got home dad was proud of me
By Summah
WALT write about time with our friends
...I woke up on my bed just waiting for something bad to happen like every other day but then i just remembered that it was my birthday today .So knowing it was my birthing and nothing bad would happen i walked down the hall way spy like .And when I got to the kitchen wow mum backing muffins and everything wow thanks mum well it is your birthday we all gathered around the tabel
and in no matter of time it had all been eaten it was the best birthday every.
By Grace
WALT Write about The storm
On one terrifying night there was a storm. The family ware in the family ware one girl and a mum and dad they ware all in bed when a tornado started then the family woke up. And they ran into the humanest badminton and lightening was striking and the haws was destroyed in pesos after 2 minutes they ware terrifying like there was a lien was going to eat them.
By Elijah
FW: news letter
WALT :Talk about our thoughts and feelings about Cross country.
Today is cross country! . . . . . And I feel like a fox who thinks he's going to get his lunch. My brain is bursting with exitement!.....but I have to say that I have butterflies in my tummy. I'm feel like I'm going to be late, I'm feeling my thighs quiver! And I'm hoping I'm full of luck oooohhhhh aaaaahhhhh I can't wait!
I'm like a puppy in a cage that wants to be free and frolik, play and run like the wind!
With a loud YAP YAP YAP YAP! I'm wondering how am I going to run, if I have butterflies, and what if i get carried away, and go off the track.....who hoooo hooooo!...mmmmmm I'm whining and yapping and what i really meant is i want to get out there now.... and RUN!!!!!
by Elliott Kippenberger
Thursday, 6 June 2013
WALT: Write a narrative about a storm
It was a darck and stormy night and Me and Cory and Matt were tuck in our bed nice and worm saddently BOOM'BANG'CRASH littnig and thunder as loud as 50 drums banging as loud as they can.
We looked out side a huge flude out side washed all our plants.A couple of minuts later a tonado smashing evry thing in its way we disided to cwikly pack our stuf and hide in a cave in till it was gone
By Jayden